ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research celebrated International Women’s Day 2024 on behalf of Institute’s Women Cell, under the theme ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’. Dr Lakshmi V M, Group Director, Solid Propellant Combustion Research Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram was the chief guest of the program. She also delivered a talk on the topic ‘Challenges for a Women leader in Science’. The program was presided over by Dr. R Dinesh, Director, ICAR-IISR. A panel discussion on ‘Inspiring an Inclusive Society: The Path Ahead’ was part of the program's afternoon session. The panelists included Dr. Lakshmi V. M., Dr. R. Dinesh, Dr. Shakeela V., Director, Community Agrobiodiversity Centre, MSSRF, Wayanad; Dr. Manoj P. Samuel, Executive Director, KSCTEC-CWRDM, Kozhikode; Ms. Archana Raj, Administrator, SAKI-One Stop Centre, Kozhikode; and Ms. Nishida Saibuni, DPM, Kudumbashree Mission, Kozhikode. The program was arranged by Dr. R Praveena and R Sivarenjini along with other Women Cell members.